Never stop asking questions

I’ve found, over the years, that there is always a better question to ask and more to learn. At the same time, you need to be able to take a step back and just enjoy where you are and what is in front of you. It is in those two extremes I find the most pleasure.

When you start to appreciate that way of approaching life, things get interesting, and for me it has meant that there have been few things, if any, where I have not found an overwhelming need to learn more. Like so many other instances, learning is a skill in itself that improves as you train it. That’s why I will almost always be enrolled in some new course, doing research on a subject, reading books, or writing (mainly to help myself understand the topics better than just trying to learn from capturing the information).

Ideas and realisations, for me, come when interacting with people or when all of the sudden I see something new in the mundane, or of course when experiencing something completely novel. I’m lucky to be blessed with two daughters and a wife who also embrace experiences, so we do everything we can to go new places and seek out adventure. One of my proudest moments was walking in the forest, on a path with my oldest daughter. We were heading back to the car when she stops and looks at me, and says “Let’s take another route and see if we can get lost”.
